Let us look after you and your holiday home. Here at Cornish Holiday Cottages we regard ourselves as a custodian of your second home. We are here to make sure your retreat is just that. We are here 24/7, in our office in Mawnan Smith, in the heart of the Falmouth and Helford River area, or on call for emergencies. Relax in the knowledge that your investment is in good hands – we have been managing holiday cottages for over four decades and there’s not much we don’t know about this industry.
Owning a holiday home means different things to different people. When we meet for the first time we will ascertain what your goals are and we will do our utmost to help you achieve these. We keep our portfolio small so that the service you receive is bespoke and our fingers never miss a beat.
To receive an Owner’s Guide please email emily@cornishholidaycottages.com with details of your holiday home and we will be in touch.